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Travel Log presentation, free wine, refreshments

Joint us on Wednesday, July 10th, for a Travel Log video presentation of the Ultimate Gourmet Sailing Experience: Manabi Luxury Cruise. There is no obligation for attending.

At the end of the presentation, you’ll have the opportunity to join a select group of just 18 passengers on the exquisite Kontiki Wayra for an unforgettable 4-day, 3-night journey. Discover the culinary gems of Manabi as you sail through its pristine waters, with stops at renowned gourmet restaurants and hidden culinary treasures. Each meal is a celebration of local flavors, expertly crafted by top chefs who highlight the freshest regional Ingredients.

Event details:

Date: Wednesday, July 10th
Time: 4 PM
Venue: Paccari Chocolate Restaurant at Casa Del Coco
Address: Bolívar 1266, between Juan Montalvo and Tarqui (in el Centro), Cuenca

How to reserve:
Limited seating. To reserve your seat (and guest), please email us

07/10/2024, Calle Larga 10-7 and Padre Aguirre, Cuenca, Ecuador, free

Expats Events:


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