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Cavaliere in concert (Opera and Italian Music)

Cavaliere is an academic music duet (Walter Novillo, tenor and David Encalada, piano), which will release their first studio album named “Opera Prima”, focusing on opera and Italian Music. Both artists are university professors and maintain expansive careers in several musical and academic specialties.

Come and enjoy unforgettable performances of all-time classics such as E Lucevan le Stelle, Una Furtiva Lagrima, Santa Lucia, Brucia la Terra, and other opera arias, Neapolitan songs, and more. All this happening in an iconic and spectacular early 20th Century’s classic mansion, featuring a Yamaha grand piano. Concert will include soprano Denisse Narváez as a very special guest.

Attendance includes a glass of wine and snacks. June 19th, 20h00, Madame Lounge (Benigno Malo y Bolívar). Admission $25, limited space available.

06/19/2024, Benigno Malo y Bolivar, Cuenca, Ecuador, $25

Madame Lounger: 097 926 6112


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