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Plum tuckered out?

With all the rain and electromagnetic frequencies in the air these days we’re all plum tuckered out. There’re fewer smiles on peoples’ faces. How about a little self-compassion under the circumstances. Take a break and order some things nice for yourself from the USA…you deserve it!

We bring you the things you want to buy from the United States. We ship legally and shipments are, on average, once a week. We deliver to your home anywhere throughout Ecuador.

As our carrier pigeon mascot says,

“The sky’s the limit!”

So, you can use our service regularly for anything you want to get (restrictions apply – ask us). It’s not just for items ordered online but you can order from any brick-and-mortar store throughout the world. You can order from Amazon, Etsy, eBay, and virtually any store around the globe.

To use our service, register on our website, and then as you order things enter them into the Notify Us form on our website. It’s that easy.

Our service is for everyone and the website is in both Spanish and English.

To stay up to date we encourage you to register now on our website if you haven’t already done so. This will automatically subscribe you to the bi-monthly emails we send out with info on Super Sales Days online, and other important information you will not want to miss. You can stay informed on new shipment arrivals on the page called Latest Update, and you can check out the Raffle Page. The April, 2023 Raffle is posted on the Raffle Page and the winner will be posted on April 30th.

We also have a blog right on the website that educates you about the services we offer, and there is an FAQ page under About Us.

To message us send a chat message anytime from the bottom right of any page of the website. It is there for you to ask us any question or if you have a thought you want to communicate to us.

Register on our website now and you can start shopping.

Cuenca, Ecuador

USA Valet
099 931 8080;;


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