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Ashisonlex, Ecuadorian artist

Hi, I’m Ashisonlex, I’m 21 years old and I’m Ecuadorian. Since I have memories, I know that I have a great passion for creation and creativity. It became my lifestyle. One of my biggest dreams is really to be able to live from my art, a crazy dream in my country, Ecuador.

A third-world country, they call it. My dream is to be able to break that prejudice. I trust that my artwork is good enough to show it to the world and especially my community.
I want to inspire current and future artists that dreaming is fine, that wanting to be better is possible and that change in our country depends on us, the young people. It’s not only about my personal dream, it’s about a revolution through art, a revolution that marks the importance of being better people through the care of our beautiful nature.

I want to inspire true contemplation and appreciation of my country, Ecuador, which is where my greatest inspiration comes from, to create artworks. It comes from all the geometrical patterns of the living creatures, the diversity in plants, animals, and fungi that seem to come from other planets.

For me, making art is something that I really cannot stop doing, it is my greatest way of expression, I am able to visually absorb the environment and capture my feelings in a piece of art.

I inspire myself on animals, sometimes I identify myself as one, sometimes I feel like a monkey, it’s the one I like the most, sometimes I feel like a bear in bed, sometimes I feel like a butterfly sometimes I feel like a snake and I also love this state, we are everything.

Music is another form of art that manages to change my state. I can be what I want to be just by thinking and listening to the musical vibrations. Its vibration and my vibration caress each other, only they know-how.

My biggest aspiration is to study in France, I would like to start traveling so that I can expand my visual perspective… I want to gain thousands of experiences so that I can share them with you through my creativity.

I live in the mountain region behind the city of Cuenca. It’s a small town called Gualaceo. You can look it up on the map if you want. It’s surrounded by beautiful nature and the people produce a variety of beautiful handcrafted products. Although I haven’t been much out of my country, I know that the world has a lot to offer to us. I want to be the shining soul of planet Earth.

I hope I can count on your support and wish you a beautiful life.

Allison: 099 544 1299. Call after: 8 AM.

City: Cuenca


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